The Tribunal provides a quick and economical judicial forum for deciding employment disputes in essential and non-essential services.

The Industrial Tribunal shall hold Tribunals in Nassau and in Freeport, respectively, and in such other place, in any part of The Bahamas as the President may direct by notice published in the Gazette. Unless otherwise directed by the President or provided by the rules made by the Tribunal under Section 66, matters referred, by the Minister, to the Tribunal sitting in Freeport shall be heard by the Tribunal sitting in Freeport and other matters shall be heard by the Tribunal sitting in Nassau (Industrial Relations Act, Chapter 321, Fourth Schedule Section 2 and Section 18).
Types of matters heard by the Tribunal – Section 55
The Tribunal shall have jurisdiction —
(a) to hear and determine trade disputes within an essential service or a non-essential service;
(b) to register industrial agreements relating to an essential service or a non-essential service and to hear and determine matters relating to the registration of such agreements; and
(c) to hear and determine any other matter brought before the Tribunal in accordance with this Act.
Jurisdiction of its members
All members shall have and enjoy in all respects equal power, authority and jurisdiction and each member sitting alone shall be qualified to exercise all the Jurisdiction, authority and powers of the Tribunal Industrial Relations Act, Chapter 321, Fourth Schedule Section 1.